

1:1 いかに幸いなことか/神に逆らう者の計らいに従って歩まず/罪ある者の道にとどまらず/傲慢な者と共に座らず
1:2 主の教えを愛し/その教えを昼も夜も口ずさむ人。
1:3 その人は流れのほとりに植えられた木。ときが巡り来れば実を結び/葉もしおれることがない。その人のすることはすべて、繁栄をもたらす。
1:4 神に逆らう者はそうではない。彼は風に吹き飛ばされるもみ殻。
1:5 神に逆らう者は裁きに堪えず/罪ある者は神に従う人の集いに堪えない。
1:6 神に従う人の道を主は知っていてくださる。神に逆らう者の道は滅びに至る。詩編 1編1~6節

Prof. Fanie Snyman
ファニー・スナイマン(南アフリカ共和国 ブルームフォンテイン神学校校長)

Psalm 1 is a special psalm. It is after all the very first Psalm. The first psalm serves also the introduction to the third part of the Old Testament scriptures.

Psalm 1 is known as a wisdom psalm. It is a psalm giving guidance to live life in a meaningful way.

The overall message of the psalm can be formulated as: Wise believers are happy and blessed people.

Let us examine this special psalm in more detail. What are the guidelines we can detect from this psalm?

In the first instance: Wise believers know to say no sometimes.

Wise believers know it is better to say no sometimes. Believers say no to sin. It is a misleading thought to think that sin will make one happy. The opposite is rather true: sin makes you unhappy.

Therefore, wise believers are mindful of the kind of practices they enter into. Wise believers take care in what they say. Wise believers take care in what they say about fellow human beings.

In verse 1 it is said that a wise believer “does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners of sit in the seat of mockers”.

The wicked, the sinners and the mockers refer to people who are indifferent to God. It refers to people who do not know the Lord and who do not care about it.

Wise believers are people who are mindful (of this) when they meet these kind of people. Believers do not act in the same way as non-believers do.

How do we as believers know how and when to say no? We must trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of wisdom. The Spirit will guide us and help us to say no when we need to say no.

Psalm 1 is not only negative, telling us what not to do. Psalm 1 offers also positive advice.

Therefore, in the second instance: Wise believers take delight in the Word of God

Wise believers take the Word of God really serious. The Word is their delight. They meditate the Word, day and night.

In Psalm 1 it is said their delight is in the law of the Lord. It refers probably to at least the first five books of the Old Testament.

Today we have the whole Bible to read and to ponder. Today we have the full revelation of God’s will. We can read what God wants us to do. Through the Bible we have come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

To meditate upon the Word means to memorize passages from Scripture. To meditate the Word means we are able to quote Scripture appropriately.

In this way the Word of God becomes part of your way of thinking. The Word of God becomes part of your thoughts. In this way the Word functions as the guiding principle in our lives.

Taking delight in the Word of God also means that one discovers that the Word starts influencing my life. It is not only me being busy with the Word, the Word is also at work in my life.

There is a third point in this psalm: Wise believers live meaningful lives

The life of a believer is compared to a tree planted near a river. Such a tree “yields its fruit in season, its leaves do not whither”. It is a metaphor/simile describing a fruitful and meaningful life. To discover that you lead a meaningful life blessed by the Lord is a wonderful discovery.

The opposite is also true: to discover that I live a life devoid of meaning is a terrible and dreadful discovery.

This kind of life is also described in the psalm. The life of non-believers is described as chaff blown away by the wind. It is a metaphor for describing a life that is utterly meaningless.


Perhaps you long for a meaningful life. To live life in a relationship with God, is to live a meaningful life.

There is one last thought in the Psalm: Wise believers are guided by God.

Believers can take courage from the last verse in the psalm: The Lord watches over the way of the righteous. Our lives are directed by God. We do not always have a clear understanding of God’s guidance, but His guidance is a reality.

We may therefore live our lives in peace. We know that the Lord watches over our way. This thought gives us a peace of mind that surpasses everything else in the world.

This peace of mind comes from living in a relationship with God through his Son Jesus Christ.

Let us summarize the message of Psalm briefly:

Wise believers know to say no sometimes

Wise believers take delight in the Word of God

Wise believers live meaningful lives

Wise believers are guided by God.

Wise believers are happy and blessed people.


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